Sunday, April 29, 2012

Liquid level indicator for the visually impaired

My dad has had glaucoma for about a decade now and in the last 7 or so years has been nearly completely blind. He's been able to cope to a large extent, including making coffee (instant) on his own. Lately, however, he's been having difficulty judging whether his cup is nearly full. On several occasions he's overfilled his cup with piping hot water. Fortunately he hasn't scalded himself (yet). At over 80 years old and given his disability, we can expect things to get worse.

So to at least aid him in making his drinks I decided to build him a liquid level indicator (LLI) similar to the following.

I could've bought him any one of the various commercially available units out there, but hey this is such a simple circuit and I couldn't resist the challenge of designing a circuit for which a single coin battery would last for months. But not being the creative sort I've patterned the look of my gizmo after those on the market.

The principle behind detecting water or water-based liquids using metal probes is pretty straightforward. Since ordinary water is partially conductive we can set up a voltage divider using the liquid and a pull-up resistor of fixed value. (We can reverse the set up using a pull down resistor instead but as we'll see in a moment the former has an advantage given the microcontroller I'm using). A voltage comparator can then be used to detect the change in voltage when the liquid bridges the fixed resistor to ground.

Low power specification

Since this is a battery-operated unit power consumption is a big deal. I'm using a Microchip PIC and in order to have the least consumption possible I had to use an LF version. I opted for an 8-pin PIC12LF1840 (the 12LF1822 would do as well and is slightly cheaper but I haven't used the 1840 and wanted to try it out and up until recently didn't have any known silicon issues; it does now--yeah, drats!). According to the datasheet its typical sleep current @3.0V is a mere 20nA with all peripherals shut down and 500nA with the watchdog timer on (the LLI circuit needs WDT to be on at all times). Compare that with the F version of the 1840 which draws 5600nA and 5900nA, respectively, at 3.0V.

Another way to minimize consumption is by judicious manipulation of oscillator frequency. It's a truism that the higher the clock frequency the higher the power consumption. So whenever possible this circuit uses the the low power 31kHz LFINTOSC (low frequency internal oscillator). The only reason I use the medium frequency MFINTOSC is because the piezoelectric transducer needs a constant 2kHz square wave to make it beep. The typical current consumption at 500kHz MFINTOSC is 124µA versus a mere 4.0µA using the LFINTOSC.

According to the datasheet the on-board voltage comparator in low power mode draws around 4.9µA. During standby--when no liquid is detected--the circuit could go to sleep with the comparator enabled. The MCU would then wake up when the comparator interrupt flag gets set--liquid has been detected. But given that the watchdog timer uses only about 0.5µA, it's more economical to disable the comparator, put the MCU to sleep, let a WDT timeout (>100ms) wake the MCU, power up the comparator, check the probes, and then go back to sleep if no liquid is detected.


I initially used an external pull-up resistor for each for the high and low probes. It then occurred to me I might be able to use the weak pull-ups of the microcontroller. Tried it and it worked and so I was able to dispense with two discretes. Note that the datasheet says the weak pull-ups typically guzzle a massive 100µA. I'm not sure if this is true whether or not there is an external path to ground. Just to be sure, in the firmware, the pull-ups are enabled only when the probes are being checked.

The buzzer is not a Sonalert alarm. It's a simple piezoelectric transducer in a Sonalert-like black plastic housing. The transducer will not sound if it is simply connected to a power source. It needs a constant square wave to produce sound. I tested the transducer using a function generator and to my ear it was loudest at a frequency of around 2.15kHz. So this is the frequency of the square wave I feeding it in the LLI.
Connecting the transducer directly to the MCU pin does work but the sound level is very low. Increasing the value of C3 more than 2µF does not make the sound any much louder. 1µF seemed sufficient.


I initially used the following structure to store the values of the instantaneous comparator readings, level, and edge detect.

  val: 5;
  edge: 2;
  level: 1;

But the amount of compiled assembly instructions was scandalously high compared to having separate 8-bit and one-bit variables. Since every instruction adds to processing time and therefore time when MCU is awake instead of asleep using the least current, it simply was unthinkable to employ structures, however more elegant they may be from a programming standpoint. (It can be argued, rather successfully, that given my goal of maximum power efficiency, I should've written the firmware in pure assembly rather than C. But my skill in assembly is rusty and right now I'm not ready for a grueling punishment.)

The MCU regularly checks the status of the probes (time between checks depends on whether no liquid has been detected--standby mode--or if liquid has already been sensed) with the instantaneous one-bit readings stored in a 5-bit variable. The bits in this variable are left shifted each time the probes are read. Thus it stores the five most recent readings. A debounce routine then simply checks if the variable contains all ones or all zeroes. If it's all ones then level = 1, and if it's all zeroes level = 0. A rising edge is defined as the level transition from 0 to 1, and a falling edge the level transition from 1 to 0. Rising and falling edges are not used so the edge variables and statements have been commented out to reduce the size of the assembly and therefore reduce time when the MCU is awake when in standby mode. Again, slashing power consumption is good.

A probe error is defined as the state where the high probe detects liquid but the low probe doesn't. It may be that the probes have shorted out in his pocket for instance. When this happens the a characteristic audible pattern is sounded to alert the user. Shorting of the high and low probes does not require any alarms to go off.

The reference voltage for the comparator is derived from the on-board digital-to-analog converter (DAC). I initially set the DAC output voltage to 50% of VDD, but increased to 75% in the hopes that even a liquid with an unexpectedly high resistance will be detected. Thus, if the voltage detected by the comparator is less than 0.75VDD  this is taken to mean that liquid has been detected.

Global weak pull-up (found in the OPTION register) is always enabled. However, individual weak pull-ups for the two probes are enabled only just after the DAC and comparator are turned on. The pull-ups are turned off right after the particular probe has been read. The comparator and DAC are disabled right after reading both probes.

Timer 0 is used to set the interval between probe reads when the 500kHz MFINTOSC is being used. When the LFINTOSC is active timer0 is ignored.

Timer 1 is used to create the three different audible alert patterns. When liquid has been detected at the low probe the pattern is a continuous loop of 500ms beep --> 500ms silence. When liquid has also been detected at the high probe the pattern becomes a continuous loop of 120ms beep --> 120ms silence. When a probe error is sensed the alarm pattern is a continuous loop of 250ms beep --> 150ms silence --> 250ms beep --> 1000ms silence.

Timer 2 is dedicated to producing the 2.15kHz square wave for the piezoelectric transducer.

When in standby mode the watchdog timeout is 512ms, meaning the MCU wakes up every half second and checks the status of the probes then goes back to sleep for another half a second. Assuming the current mode is standby (ie., variables PXXlevel for both probes = 0) then once the instantaneous reading of either the low or high probe is high (meaning liquid has been sensed), the WDT timeout is changed to 8ms with the MCU going back to sleep and waking up 8ms later. If the instantaneous reading now becomes low (zero) then WDT timeout reverts back to 512ms, else WDT remains at 8ms. If five consecutive instantaneous readings are all high then PXXlevel goes high, the MCU remains awake, begins using the 500kHz clock, and the appropriate audible alert is sounded.

Once PLOlevel and PHIlevel both go low and instantaneous readings are zero, the MCU returns to standby mode and reverts to the 31kHz clock.


Liquid Level Indicator
April 2012

processor = PIC12LF1840
compiler = mikroC v5.6.0

configuration word: 
  INTOSC with I/O on clk pin
  enabled: power up timer, brownout reset low trip point, WDT via SWDTEN, stack over/underflow
  all else disabled

CONFIG1   :$8007 : 0x0F8C
CONFIG2   :$8008 : 0x1613

#define  int1                bit
#define  int8                unsigned char
#define  int16               unsigned int
#define  int32               unsigned long

#define  on                  1
#define  off                 0

#define  input               1         // for TRISx
#define  output              0         // for TRISx

#define  analog              1         // for ANSELx
#define  digital             0         // for ANSELx

#define  hi                  1         // switch level high
#define  lo                  0         // switch level low

#define  buzz                LATA.f2

#define  an_plo              ANSELA.f1
#define  an_phi              ANSELA.f4
#define  tris_plo            TRISA.f1
#define  tris_phi            TRISA.f4
#define  wpu_plo             WPUA.f1
#define  wpu_phi             WPUA.f4

#define  ch_plo              0         // comparator input channel
#define  ch_phi              1         // comparator input channel

#define  t1h_fill            256-30    // TMR1H initial value, for audible indicator when low probe submerged or low and high probe submerged
#define  t1h_beep1           256-31    // TMR1H initial value, for audible indicator when probe error
#define  t1h_pause1          256-19    // TMR1H initial value, for audible indicator when probe error
#define  t1h_beep2           256-31    // TMR1H initial value, for audible indicator when probe error
#define  t1h_pause2          256-122   // TMR1H initial value, for audible indicator when probe error

#define  osc500khz           0b111000  // 500kHz MFINTOSC, for use with OSCCON
#define  osc31khz            0b0       // 31kHz LFINTOSC, for use with OSCCON

#define  wdt8ms              0b111     // value for WDTCON
#define  wdt16ms             0b1001    // value for WDTCON
#define  wdt32ms             0b1011    // value for WDTCON
#define  wdt128ms            0b1111    // value for WDTCON
#define  wdt256ms            0b10001   // value for WDTCON
#define  wdt512ms            0b10011   // value for WDTCON

#define  rising              1         // rising edge detected.
#define  falling             2         // falling edge detected.
#define  none                0         // no edge.

int8 PLOval;                           // values of last five low probe readings
int8 PHIval;                           // values of last five high probe readings
//int8 PLOedge;                          // edge detected?, 0 = no edge detect, 1 = rising edge, 2 = falling edge; other values = Not Used / Undefined for now
//int8 PHIedge;
bit PLOlevel;                          // voltage level of probe when not bouncing (hi = 1, lo = 0)
bit PHIlevel;

bit plo;                               // comparator reading of low probe. 1 = liquid detected, 0 = no detection
bit phi;                               // comparator reading of high probe. 1 = liquid detected, 0 = no detection
bit buzzing;                           // buzzer status flag; 1 = buzzer is on, 0 = buzzer off

enum {_begin, _standby, _insta_plo, _immersed_plo, _insta_phi, _immersed_phi, _probe_error}
     STATE = _begin,         // current state
     PREVSTATE = _begin;     // previous state

enum {_beep1, _pause1, _beep2, _pause2} STATEPERROR;

// ===========================================================================================
//       Functions
// ===========================================================================================

void IniReg()
  ANSELA = digital;
  TRISA = output;
  PORTA = 0;

  an_plo = analog;
  an_phi = analog;
  tris_plo = input;
  tris_phi = input;

  PLOval = 0;
  PHIval = 0;
  PLOlevel = lo;
  PHIlevel = lo;

  DACCON0 = 0;               // DAC off, DAC is not output on DACOUT pin, Vdd as positive source
  //DACCON1 = 0b10000;         // 0x10, Vref = 16/32 = 50% of Vdd
  DACCON1 = 0b11000;         // 0x18, Vref = 24/32 = 75% of Vdd

  CM1CON0 = 0b10;            // comparator off, comp output polarity not inverted, comp output internal only,
                             // comparator in low power low speed mode, hysteresis enabled
  CM1CON1 = 0b10000;         // comparator interrupts disabled, C1VP connected to DAC, C1VN connected to C1N0-

  WPUA = 0;                  // disable individual pull ups
  OPTION_REG = 0b00000010;   // global pull ups enabled, timer0 prescale = 1:8
                             // given clock = 500khz, TMR0 increments from zero to 255, prescale = 1:8, timer0 tick = 256*8 / (500kHz/4) = 16.384ms

  // timer2 initialize
  // piezoelectric buzzer toggled on and off at 2.15kHz -- loudest sound is at this frequency (empirically determined)
  // with timer2 prescale = 1:1, postscale = 1:1, PR2 = 29, Fosc = 500kHz, timer2 tick = 29 /(500khz/4) = 232us
  // buzzer is on 232us and off 232us. Period therefore = 464us. Freq = 2.155khz
  PR2 = 29;
  T2CON = 0;                 // prescale = 1:1, postscale = 1:1, timer2 off
  buzzing = 0;


  OSCCON = osc31khz;         // default INTOSC frequency = 500khz. Change to 31kHz LFINTOSC after initialization.
                             // in all probability when coin battery is inserted and circuit powered up, the probes are not immersed in liquid and so the MCU will be put to sleep
} // void IniReg()

// turn on buzzer
// piezoelectric buzzer needs constant square wave to produce sound
// timer2 provides this square wave with a frequency of 2.15kHz
void BuzzOn()
  buzz = on;
  buzzing = 1;
  TMR2 = 0;
  PIR1.TMR2IF = 0;
  PIE1.TMR2IE = 1;
  T2CON.TMR2ON = 1;

// turn off buzzer
void BuzzOff()
  buzz = off;
  buzzing = 0;
  T2CON.TMR2ON = 0;
  PIE1.TMR2IE = 0;

// audible indicator is armed and the specific sequence of sounds emitted depends on
// whether liquid has reached low probe or high probe or whether a probe error has occurred.
void EnableAudible()
  TMR1L = 0;
  PIR1.TMR1IF = 0;
  PIE1.TMR1IE = 1;

void DisableAudible()
  T1CON.TMR1ON = 0;
  PIE1.TMR1IE = 0;

// voltage comparator reads the probes
// DAC, weak pull ups, and comparator are turned on before reading and then turned off afterwards to minimize power consumption
void ReadProbes()
  DACCON0.DACEN = 1;         // turn on DAC
  CM1CON0.C1ON = 1;          // turn on comparator

  wpu_plo = 1;               // enable low probe weak pull up
  CM1CON1.C1NCH = ch_plo; // PIC12F1840
  if (CMOUT)
    plo = 1;
    plo = 0;
  wpu_plo = 0;               // disable low probe weak pull up

  wpu_phi = 1;               // enable high probe weak pull up
  CM1CON1.C1NCH = ch_phi;  // PIC12F1840
  if (CMOUT)
    phi = 1;
    phi = 0;
  wpu_phi = 0;               // disable high probe weak pull up

  CM1CON0.C1ON = 0;          // turn off comparator
  DACCON0.DACEN = 0;         // turn off DAC

void Debounce()
  // shift all bits to the left
  // if probe reading is high then PXXval bit 0 = 1
  PLOval <<= 1;
  if (plo)
  PLOval.f5 = 0;             // only bits 0 to 4 (5 least significant bits) are used so bits 5 to 7 must be cleared
                             // need only clear bit 5 because this zero will eventually be left shifted into bits 6 and 7
  PHIval <<= 1;
  if (phi)
  PHIval.f5 = 0;             // only bits 0 to 4 (5 least significant bits) are used so bits 5 to 7 must be cleared

  //PLOedge = none;
  //PHIedge = none;

  // if level is low and all bits of PXXval are now high then
  // a rising edge has been detected
  // switch is considered just released when rising edge is detected
  // switch level is now high
 if ((!PLOlevel) && (PLOval == 0b11111))
    PLOlevel = hi;
    //PLOedge = rising;

 if ((!PHIlevel) && (PHIval == 0b11111))
    PHIlevel = hi;
    //PHIedge = rising;

  // if level is high and all bits of PXXval are now low then
  // a falling edge has been detected
  // switch is considered just pressed when falling edge is detected
  // switch level is now low
  if ((PLOlevel) && (!PLOval))
    PLOlevel = lo;
    //PLOedge = falling;

  if ((PHIlevel) && (!PHIval))
    PHIlevel = lo;
    //PHIedge = falling;
} // void DebounceSwitch()

void Standby()
  if (PREVSTATE != _standby)
    STATE = _standby;
    OSCCON = osc31khz;     // 31kHz LFINTOSC
    WDTCON = wdt512ms;
  asm sleep

void InstaPLO()
  if (PREVSTATE != _insta_plo)
    STATE = _insta_plo;
    OSCCON = osc31khz;   // 31kHz LFINTOSC
  asm clrwdt             // this clrwdt is absolutely necessary or there will be a wdt timeout every time plo is high
  WDTCON = wdt8ms;       // since plo is high (liquid has been detected during this pass) shorten sleep and check plo more often than during standby mode
  asm sleep
  WDTCON = wdt128ms;     // return wdt period to at least 32ms-- one loop through void main() at clock = 31khz LFINTOSC takes around 10 to 14ms

void InstaPHI()
  if (PREVSTATE != _insta_phi)
    STATE = _insta_phi;
    OSCCON = osc31khz;   // 31kHz LFINTOSC
  asm clrwdt             // this clrwdt is absolutely necessary or there will be a wdt timeout every time phi is high
  WDTCON = wdt8ms;       // since phi is high (liquid has been detected during this pass) shorten sleep and check phi more often than during standby mode
  asm sleep
  WDTCON = wdt128ms;     // return wdt period to at least 32ms-- instructions in void main() during 31khz LFINTOSC take around 10 to 14ms

void ImmersedPLO()
  if (PREVSTATE != _immersed_plo)
    OSCCON = osc500khz;     // 500kHz MFINTOSC
    STATE = _immersed_plo;
    INTCON.TMR0IF = 0;
    TMR0 = 0;
    WDTCON = wdt128ms;
    TMR1H = t1h_fill;
    T1CON = 0b110001;       // Timer1 clock source is instruction clock (FOSC/4), prescale = 1:8, timer1 oscillator off, timer1 on

void ImmersedPHI()
  if (PREVSTATE != _immersed_phi)
    OSCCON = osc500khz;    // 500kHz MFINTOSC
    STATE = _immersed_phi;
    INTCON.TMR0IF = 0;
    TMR0 = 0;
    WDTCON = wdt128ms;
    TMR1H = t1h_fill;
    T1CON = 0b10001;       // Timer1 clock source is instruction clock (FOSC/4), prescale = 1:2, timer1 oscillator off, timer1 on

void ProbeError()
  if (PREVSTATE != _probe_error)
    OSCCON = osc500khz;  // 500kHz MFINTOSC
    STATE = _probe_error;
    INTCON.TMR0IF = 0;
    TMR0 = 0;
    WDTCON = wdt128ms;
    TMR1H = t1h_beep1;
    T1CON = 0b100001;    // Timer1 clock source is instruction clock (FOSC/4), prescale = 1:4, timer1 oscillator off, timer1 on
    STATEPERROR = _beep1;

void Status()
  if (!PHIlevel)
    if (!PLOlevel)
      if (plo)               // current pass through comparator has detected liquid at low probe but there is no confirmation of submersion yet (PLOlevel is low), and hi probe not submerged
      else if (phi)
  else // if (PHIlevel)
    if (PLOlevel)

void interrupt()
  if (PIE1.TMR2IE && PIR1.TMR2IF)
    if (buzz)
      buzz = off;
      buzz = on;
    PIR1.TMR2IF = 0;
  } // if (PIE1.TMR2IE && PIR1.TMR2IF)

  else if (PIE1.TMR1IE && PIR1.TMR1IF)
    if (STATE == _probe_error)
      if (++STATEPERROR > _pause2)
        STATEPERROR = _beep1;

      switch (STATEPERROR)

        case _beep1:
          TMR1H = t1h_beep1;

        case _pause1:
          TMR1H = t1h_pause1;

        case _beep2:
          TMR1H = t1h_beep2;

        case _pause2:
          TMR1H = t1h_pause2;
      } // switch
    } // if (STATE == _probe_error)
    else // if (STATE == _immersed_plo || STATE == _immersed_phi)
      TMR1H = t1h_fill;
      if (buzzing)
    PIR1.TMR1IF = 0;
  } // if (PIE1.TMR1IE && PIR1.TMR1IF)
} // void interrupt()

void main()

    if (OSCCON != osc31khz)            // this conditional is equivalent to "if (STATE == _immersed_plo || STATE == _immersed_phi || STATE == _probe_error)" since these states run at 500kHz
      while (!INTCON.TMR0IF) ;         // do nothing until one timer0 tick has elapsed
      INTCON.TMR0IF = 0;
    asm clrwdt
    if (STATE == _standby)             // during standby there is no need to run the debounce routine. Just record the instantaneous value of the probes
      PLOval.f0 = plo;
      PHIval.f0 = phi;

The build

Wanted to make the pcb as small as possible and so I used an SOIC package for the MCU. Unfortunately I don't keep surface mount caps and resistors (cost is prohibitive for me at the moment) and so I had to use throughholes. It seemed like a grievous sin not to place the MCU in the large unused space on the copper side of the board beneath the battery holder and so that's just what I did even if I had already drawn a previous layout that situates the MCU partially underneath the terminal block.

I scoured shops for a plastic box that would house the circuit board and found this near perfect cream-colored plastic box that's in fact a portable USB power supply that uses 2 x AA  batteries. I simply removed the small DC-to-DC converter pcb and the metal spring contacts for the batteries. Having found a suitable container I proceeded to finalize the PCB size and layout. The biggest component is the CR2032 battery holder, taking up half the real estate! I intentionally did not include a polarity reversal protection Schottky diode since that immediately slashes 0.3V off the power 3-volt supply. User will just have to be extra careful when changing batteries. Yeah, relying on user competence is a recipe for disaster. Hey, I'm talking about myself too you know.

Below is the freshly etched panel which I scored and snapped into two. You will notice the track on the right side of the board is right at the border. The track is a ground trace from the negative terminal of the battery holder to one of the pins of the terminal block as well as to one of the header pins. Had little choice since I didn't have enough board width. Of course I made sure I didn't commit the same booboo that caused a short between the power supply rails. I added the triangles just to keep more copper on the board and to complement the diagonal circuit tracks. It kinda looks good I think.

Even while laying out the board I knew the headers wouldn't have enough leeway on either side. The battery holder on one side and the terminal on the other would prevent the PICkit2/3 programmer from plugging in properly. So I bent the header pin by almost 30 degrees. Simple fix. I wanted to use a right angle header but the pins would end up extending beyond the board perimeter and the board wouldn't fit the plastic case. 

I had to sand down the top of the (green) terminal block because it was sticking out about a millimeter preventing the plastic cover from sliding in and locking. 

For the SOIC pads and those alone I used a Multicore "VOC-free No-clean" flux pen. The usual flux paste I use leaves a messy unsightly residue which is hard to clean off an SMD and could cause a high resistance bridging between the closely spaced pins--something that could contribute to unnecessary battery drain. Nevertheless, after all the soldering was completed, I used isopropanol and acetone to clean the solder joints of all the components including the MCU.  

The probes (metal wires) are just nickel-plated paper clips. For now these will have to do since I haven't found any stainless steel wires yet. I don't have a photo of it, but after screwing down the probes onto the terminal block, I encased the three in hot melt glue to give the set of probes some rigidity.

The liquid level indicator at work. Just hang it over the lip of the cup, mug or tumbler. No switches to flip, no buttons to push.

Even during the breadboard stage of design the liquid level indicator was showing signs of having some difficulty detecting water. Reason? I thought it might be the nickel plated probes. But ohmmeter readings show their resistance to be in the milliohm range. And more importantly because the LLI detected coffee, chocolate and juice the instant these liquids reached the tips of the probes, those metal wires can't be the problem.

Now I'm inclined to believe it may be due to the fact that Microchip explicitly recommends an input signal impedance of less than 10 kilohms when using the analog peripherals such as the voltage comparator. Coffee et al. of course have a relatively low resistance because of the solutes, and that translates to, I reckon, a liquid resistance of less than 3K. Plain potable water has a higher resistance which could be anywhere along the spectrum depending on how pure it is or how much minerals are dissolved. To make the battery last as long as possible and because of printed circuit board real estate constraints, I intentionally decided not to design in a unity gain buffer to provide the comparator a low impedance signal which I definitely would in a circuit that had little power consumption concerns. Will have to test a breadboarded version of the LLI and see how the inclusion of the buffer will affect water-detection performance.

If the voltage follower licks the problem then a future version 2.0 of the gizmo will include a dual op amp which gets powered up only when probe readings are being taken. Power consumption is still my major concern given that the circuit is using a single CR2032 3-volt lithium cell which I want to last for months and hopefully--FSM willing--years.

Dad has already used the gizmo and he seems to like it. Told him to inform me immediately if the unit starts acting up.

1 comment:

  1. hello sir...i want to build up this product same as you explained..howmuch it will cost me approximately? please reply me
